

i am mine

riot act

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2008-10-13 10:20 p.m.

philosophy (page 2243)

she's my Roman fire, my dark desire, my bird on a wire, my blown out tire, my angelic choir, my meloncholy mire, my funeral pyre...
i sit at home with the TV on
doing nothing all day long
i've been breathing this stale air
but i'm so lazy i don't care
i stare and stare at pretty dots
staring so long i start to see spots
my former friends call me a slouch
since i never ever leave my couch

sirens go by and i curse the noise

i scratch and scratch and i'm getting sores
there's nothing to do and i'm very bored
little fish nibble at my toes
the setting sun reflects the sound
bugs glow in the cool night air
Marie stops and looks around
"everything is beautiful" she says to me
and i answered her mysteriously
"i've always said i was a soldier"
"what does that mean?" so i told her
i've seen things that would make you cry
like my best friend shot and die
i've seen things that would make you weep
like my mother pass away in her sleep
i've seen things that would make you yell
like my divorce and going through hell
i've seen things that would make you scream
like my nightmares and poisonous dreams
i've seen things that would make you blush
she finally frowned and said "enough"
Marie sat down and dangled her feet
gave her a hug and kiss and said "you're sweet"
and we both watched that summer night sky
and i hope that's what i see when i die

