

i am mine

riot act

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2008-10-06 9:59 p.m.

the tears from my eyes taste like lies

the bitter black coffee stains my teeth
as i write down memories buried underneath
the stains of time in my bitter mind
and then those teeth begin to grind
i remember the terrible things i've done
as a horrible brother and even worse son
failure as a friend without excuse
my dreams are empty and of no use
the sweet sugar'd coffee rots my teeth
as i stroll down dark alleys and streets
looking for a happy life and wonderful wife
but finding only lonliness and strife
i had a dream
where i was back home and young
we were on a hill looking into the eyes of the sun
talking about the future
and what needed to be done
and we were having fun
everyone was there
even people now gone
then they started to disappear
like smoke on the wind
and my smile faded
as i realized my sin
forgetting their faces
and the sound of their laugh
trying and failing
to relive days of futures past

