

i am mine

riot act

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2008-09-29 9:35 p.m.

(fake) sick day

called in sick...it was her idea, but i was glad to go along with it...i was wrong about her...sleeping like a kitten is what i do best...i don't know anything...i used to think i was done with everything...now i realize there isn't enough time to learn a fraction of what i want to learn...back to today...we are similar in the fact that we are quiet...we are similar in the way we chose different paths...we are similar in our stories of failure...in other news, i'm trying to get the band back together...it's going to take a few years, i think...but we're on our way...i think we all realize we need to do it...we each fill in where the others are weak...we were joking at first, but we turned into an actual team...remind me to get a trailer hitch.

