

i am mine

riot act

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2008-06-26 9:44 p.m.

living the dream

things go much smoother now.
no hesitations.
no distractions.
just doing it.
just crafting.
just honing.
just trying.
yeah, it gets lonely sometimes.
but some sacrifices have to be made...
i never was a man of action.
just planning and planning away.
for a day that never came.
the time has come, now.
now, the time has come.
they seem so surprised that i would give everything to just have a chance.
what else am i waiting for?
what else am i trying for?
i guess they don't know what goes on.
i assume everyone is like me.
i assume everyone is lucky.
i have it so easy.
it is almost sickening.
i missed my chance to be re-introduced.
but it probably would have ended with vomit or a shotgun.
i still have her in my pocket.
yes, jacky boy...in my pocket.

