

i am mine

riot act

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2008-01-22 9:08 p.m.

black dog

black dog follows me like a shadow
quietly creeping just behind
he smells something and he stops
but i don't pay him any mind
black fur bristles as he barks
but there's nothing ahead, except the dark

black dog follows me like a whisper
echoing in the ears of time
he senses his master heading home
searching for something he can never find
black fur bristles as he barks
but there's nothing ahead, except the dark

black dog follows me like a child
knowing me only as good and kind
licking my hand to let me know
he would never leave me behind
black fur bristles as he barks
but there's nothing ahead, except the dark

black dog follows me like the gallows
pulling my pant-leg in pained protest
trying to save me from the darkness
yet i continue, patting him in sweet caress
black fur bristles as he barks
but there's nothing ahead, except the dark

black dog quietly creeps back the way he came
knowing things will never be the same

black fur bristles as he barks
but there's nothing ahead, except the dark

