

i am mine

riot act

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2007-07-19 8:23 p.m.

i'm going to sleep early

there is a young woman who is an airfield security person, who basically babysits the construction people. they flock to her like moths to a flame. it's quite entertaining. even the old men go over to talk to her about whatever it is they talk about. i don't even look her way if i can help it, and i usually can.

i'm reading 100 years of solitude at work. i'm about 100 pages in, and it is pretty good. i spend the rest of the time listening to the radio and thinking about guitar parts for songs. Chicago messaged me the other day after some time in silence. i must be careful, but as my faithful readers know, i am weak of flesh. i've already thought silly thoughts that people think.

i really can only stand playing music and hanging out nowadays. and seeing as how you can't make a living hanging out (unless it is for TV), it looks like i should focus on 'making it' in music. i'm ready, i think. we're ready. this is the most optimistic about my future i've ever been. it's funny, because my fatalistic attitude caused Red to cry occasionally and was a major factor of the breakup. i didn't have sense enough to lie to her. i know enough to lie these days, only, i don't think i have to.

in other news, i'm missing out on the maiden voyage west, but i think if i joined now, i'd lose myself out there. we all know i'll get there eventually.

that's fine. that's fine.

