

i am mine

riot act

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2007-07-13 11:22 p.m.

reality for once

we made it to the finals for battle of the bands...i think that's pretty good...i also think it's pretty good that she didn't answer her phone when i was weak those few times...thank you for that...it's obvious i made the correct decision...for all parties involved...Chicago got another fuckbuddy...i got another song...it was a win-win...my cd sleeves are finally here, so i can actually mail out my junky album to my junky friends...Red gave me her address and said she expected greatness...she always knew how to cut me down...i think i'm going to take the promotion at work...who am i kidding...i got nothing else planned...i may have been the victim of an attempted seduction a few days ago...but i'm too dumb to realize it until i was driving home...i think the problem is i can never imagine myself being attractive, so i just assume it doesn't happen...clearly, i've been proven wrong a few times...but still...that's in my mind and i don't know if it will ever change...my brothers are starting the migration...i always imagined i'd be the first...looks like i'll be the last, if i make it at all...i'm just so tired, you know? i feel weary in my soul...down deep...sleep doesn't fix what ails me...i've got it in my head that i'm going to shave it tomorrow...let's see what happens. that is, after all, my mantra.

