

i am mine

riot act

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2006-03-25 2:23 a.m.


Honor was so important to the samurai that they would frequently take their own lives in the face of failure, or if they had violated Bushido. This honor-bound suicide became very ritualized, taking the form of seppuku. Also known by the more vulgar phrase hara-kiri, seppuku was a way for a samurai to restore honor to his lord and family, and to fulfill his obligation of loyalty even if he had failed as a samurai.

it's like talking to people in a foreign language, nowadays. i've accepted the fact most people don't understand. i have to start working at the serving part more.

concerning another topic, although i consider it related, why do people think Jesus was nice? i mean, if you read the stories, he's not a nice guy at all.

i don't know what i'm going to do next year. it really is 50/50 now. i can see myself staying here and trying for real, or i can see myself leaving everyone and everything and going far, far away to work as an engineer and just give up on everything.

i always seem tired. even when i sleep. i've even varied the amount of sleep, to see if i was sleeping too much or something...nothing.

i watched WALK THE LINE with my parents. they thought it was a good movie, because it was. after the movie, my dad tries to talk to me about how you don't have to be pained and go through shit to be a good musician...then he couldn't think of any examples that proved his case, but we all started naming ones that disproved it. i smiled, slightly.

see you next time, readers.

