

i am mine

riot act

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2006-03-20 12:10 a.m.

i'll come running with a heart on fire

by not telling me, she kinda told me. i'm surprised i had the balls to ask the question. i have come up with a new plan for my life...one that involves having some fun.

i tried to mix it up, only to be ridiculed by my friends...so what else is new?

my plan for 27 is still in effect. there is only one way it can change. that means there is no way it can change.

in other news, it looks like my other self's rough patch will prevent him from going to europe, which means i won't tag along, which means those tagging along funds will be free to use in other ways. which means i'll probably spend it on a digital recording thing plus at least one decent microphone.

the goal is one full length before it's all over.<-thanks, mr. smith.

