

i am mine

riot act

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2005-03-26 10:24 p.m.

a cross-section of a flexible pavement

today i designed a cross-section of a flexible pavement road. then i cleaned someone else's house, in hopes of payment, while being shadowed by a ferret. group members were the only ones i've spoken to today...and that was only the social niceties i grant them in order to get a good peer review. later on, i viewed the top 20 songs about God on a country music channel. i've switched to earphones to hide my doings. my roomate is gone, so i can sit alone without any pretense of being a good man. yesterday i teased a munchkin who left me for what i believe to be far better occasions. i eat candy, but not the banana flavored ones. i am starting to actually practice, so my failure won't be without grace. i think about the future, when i can do it and no one will notice. or be bothered.

i just sit and think. and i'm in the dark.

there would be more, but i don't know what else to say.

