

i am mine

riot act

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2005-02-22 11:44 p.m.

i have a mane like a lion

she has broken up with him. i could already tell by the lyrics in his profile. they sounded like something i'd put in mine. i've spoken to him...he tried telling me what happened and her reasons. something about following in my footsteps. i told him what i was told. i gave him no great insight, or helpful advice, because i have none to give. i know he won't be as bad off as i am.

not even close.

this does not alter my plan, except for maybe putting my mind at a greater state of peace.

i question my sanity for still caring. and not just saying i do. i question a lot of things.

here you go:
me: why am i still so foolish?
girl: i don't know...
girl: maybe you haven't found something to take your mind off of it?
me: after a year?
girl: maybe you don't want to get over it?
me: maybe...maybe i think why bother, since it will all end the same.

