

i am mine

riot act

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2004-09-19 10:30 p.m.

15 bags/13 gallon

my sister got married this past saturday...it was a surprisingly good time for me. i've started telling people about my dream to become a musician, and the photographer even asked me if i was one. he said i had the look. i think that's kinda funny and don't put much stock in it, but it made me smile none the less.

i've kinda calmed down.


it seems that i cannot be confident...i can only go from caring to not. the not caring appears like confidence, but isn't. and when i care, i get paralyzed with the thought i might do the wrong thing...which is never a good thing.

i'm in a not caring mode.

i ate cheez-its and an oatmeal creme pie for dinner. i actually completed most of my homework (i think). it seems i do my best work when i'm alone. except maybe for comedy...i kinda need my friends for that.

i'll leave you with a final question:
why is it only moms and young girls find me attractive?

