

i am mine

riot act

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2004-09-14 10:27 p.m.

bid & win

i shaved off my beard...which is always an emotional event. it is very interesting.

i've basically given up on humanity as a whole. i expect nothing from anyone. it seems to work better like this. go ahead and call me pessimistic if you like, but it is much better this way. everyone will live up to or exceed my expectiations.

i've been thinking about what to do after college (since my last plan was executed execution style)...i think i might go to bloom-town to live with old friends and form a band that would rival the coolness of the rolling stones. yeah, that's right. the stones. i'm thinking i'll just say fuck the world for about a year, and then if i don't make it, i'll just move on outta here and never be heard from again.

pretty sure that's the best damn plan i've ever come up with.

