

i am mine

riot act

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2004-09-02 1:17 a.m.

vicks non-drowsy dayquil multi-symptom cold/flu relief

so i took a swig before i hit the sack, thinking that it would supress my cough and let me sleep better (i have a really bad cough that doubles me over and such).

that was a mistake.

apparently it has some uppers in it or something...i read this happened to the dude at penny-arcade, too...but for some reason i thought i could get away with it. i'm a fool.

i wrote a new song...it kinda sucks...it would be much better with a real band behind it...or if i took more than a couple takes for everything...but it is only supposed to be a demo anyway.

i've got a plan...and i've got some people involved in the plan...and i plan on the plan succeeding...which may or may not be a good plan.

now i've got some sort of twitch going on with my body...weird...can't really focus my eyes either...why don't they warn me about this? and where did that shooting pain in my left arm come from? what the fuck?

i'm going to attempt bed again...wish me luck.

