

i am mine

riot act

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2004-08-29 12:17 a.m.

how i got the nickname "everclear"

thursday night i made a rash decision. i pissed myself off, because i'm stupid, and composed and sent an email stating i wasn't gonna bother her anymore.

friday i finished my classes and drove the 3 hours to Peoria, where i participated in Megane's house-warming party. i always like going to visit his campus, because somehow i'm like a small celebrity. people know who i am, and like me, even before they've seen me. and so i gave them what they wanted, which was an entertaining time. after a week of doom and gloom, it was almost refreshing to turn myself 'on' again. almost.

today i drove back, listened to some oldies, and wondered how i could ever right what i've wronged.

and to fix it all, i'm learning neil young love songs like "Cowgirl in the Sand"...maybe i can just play those for her and she'll come back....

