

i am mine

riot act

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2004-07-28 11:23 p.m.

i need to wash my face

i'm just sitting and staring at the keyboard, wondering why i even type anything at all. all of my entries are the same. exactly the same. nothing has changed.

i don't like cleaning my own bathroom, let alone the bathroom of a fast food chain.

i don't really talk to anyone anymore. i mean, i'll have conversations, but i don't really say anything.

i don't think my band has any idea what i'm singing about. and though my songs sound decent enough during practice, i go home and listen to some Bob Dylan or The Beatles, and i think to myself, "why do you even try?" my tunes are so...what's the word...adolescent? yes...that's it...just so stupid. all the songs i want to write have already been written...all the guitar parts i want to play have already been played. and both much better than i could ever hope to do.

i'm not even good enough to be hated...i'm just tolerated like a misbehaving child...sent to my room...or rather boarding school...so i won't be such a bother...

i plan on watching many movies this year...and i plan on watching these movies alone...

yup...the same things. over and over.

