

i am mine

riot act

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2004-07-22 10:37 a.m.

the wandering age

all i hear is, "you suck sooo bad i feel sorry for you." i am in no position to argue. she tried to tell me the same things everyone else has been telling me for months. i talked to another of her kind, that almost made sense of it all. then i went on a road trip to try to clear my mind of the mental assault the world seems to deem necessary, what with people questioning me and putting her in movies (the most obvious being Spider-Man 2).

the whole "clearing my mind" thing didn't work at all...and the ocean refused my request.

i find it interesting how i can act normal when i don't have to, but when i have to, i can't. i guess i haven't mastered the art of not caring when i care. that is next on the list of things to do.

in other news, i'm seriously pondering going "underground" this year.

in other other news, on the road trip we stopped off at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and i saw some of my friends. that was nice.

i have to buy a better microphone...and learn how to transfer the music to my computer without it fucking up the sound. and i also have to learn how to write a good song.

fucking girls.

