

i am mine

riot act

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2004-07-12 10:55 a.m.

everyone is going to the dentist....

normal check up. take some x-rays. blah blah...lay down, shine the light in my face...and then,

"so...does your girlfriend graduate next year too?"

(small pause to gather thoughts)

"yeah...but she's kinda not my girlfriend anymore."

(another small pause)

"oh. well, at least that's better than the last person i asked about a significant other...i didn't know that they had passed away."

anyway...i got some listerine out of the whole ordeal.

i wrote her a crazy email...she responded...it is very hard for me to be patient...i just have to sit and wait...sorta like a sitting duck, i suppose...if i try to fly i'll surely be gunned down...there are so many ways this can go...it is hard to see the ending...

on the positive front, i've made some progress forming a band...it's not a proper band, of course, but at least i've got some peeps who will try...that's all i really can ask for...but...BUT...recent practices have shown that my songs are pretty weak...that kinda sucks...but (trying to stay somewhat positive), THE HAPPY SONG kicks some serious bootay.

in other news, we go to the EAST this weekend. i look forward to it. i really hate staying at home. it feels like a death trap. i'm thinking that's not how home should feel.

time for some eyedrops....

