

i am mine

riot act

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2004-07-02 1:42 p.m.

chapped lips

i woke up this morning and couldn't see. it wasn't that i was blind, but mine eyes refused to be opened. the nasty sludge holding them shut was easily washed away, and luckily hasn't returned yet, but still...that's not a good way to start the day.

this is the most recent case of my physical being being shitty.

my body parts are slowly deciding that they should attack me. as more do so, more and more join in the cause. it's like they sense that it's time to get a new boss, so they want to make the current one quit.

i'm down with that.

in other news, i supposedly will be living by myself next year...that will kick serious bootay, if it is indeed true. you know how much i hate roomates...but not only that. i am really looking forward to locking myself in a 3rd story room and seeing if anyone notices my absense from the real world. it'll be my own little experiment.

in other other news, i'm still flip flopping like a fish out of water trying to find a breath. i've got so many speeches planned, it is a pretty safe bet that i won't even get to say a single one. what will probably happen is that i'll manage to arrange a meeting of some sort and then just babble and ramble until i say fuck it and run away into the darkness, much to her approval.

i'm such an arrogant prick sometimes.

