

i am mine

riot act

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2004-04-20 yesterday


top 10 things i need to realize:

-thinking about her won't bring her back
-you are not the best
-you are not the worst
-life is good
-you were just someone to sleep with
-you will fall in love again...eventually
-rock stars can't have girlfriends
-your friends are usually right
-not everyone loves like you
-everyone is just trying their best

and now for my crappy crappy writings!

i cry in the wilderness
the axe at my feet
i cut down the trees
the locusts i eat
i shout up to heaven
the knife in my hands
i cut out my tongue
because of its demands

i laugh in the dark
the torch on the wall
i try to light it
but i'm not that tall
i whisper in the sun
the picture in my hand
i try to relate
but i just can't understand

i keep searching and searching
with my eyes closed.

here is some more shit to fill pages.

a shiver runs down my spine
and then i think of you
mind's eye always looking
for something else to do
it stumbles over some other things
but they number only a few
and i curse myself a thousand years
that i'm still in love with you

a yawn escapes my mouth
and then i think of me
full of cowardice and shit
the way i was meant to be
filling my time with nothing
watching what i shouldn't see
i think i could be great
and then i remember it's me

i think that's enough.

