

i am mine

riot act

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2004-04-18 2:38 p.m.

all or none

it's a hopeless situation
and i'm starting to believe
that this hopeless situation
is what i'm trying to achieve

i randomly delete and add her name. it's sad, really. because i can't do anything. i have bad dreams. i watched some tv show, i won't type the name for fear of insult, and on it there was a dude who broke up with a chick and then he tried to just be friends, but it didn't really work...so then he went and told her that he couldn't do that, and life went on and everyone was happy again...but i can't do that...even though i probably should.

sometimes i still think i can win.

most times i know i can't.

but i try to run on
it's all or none

---- add-on: "wahhhhhh, wahhhhhhh...i hate myself and want to die....this girl doesn't like me anymore...my life is ruined...wahhhhhhh,wahhhhhhhh" sometimes i want to tell myself to shut the fuck up.

