

i am mine

riot act

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2004-03-24 6:38 p.m.

probability and statistics

it is a very very odd feeling i have. and i can't explain it. and if i could, i couldn't tell anyone anymore. i don't wanna be one of those guys...even though i seem to be.

i don't like things. and when i say that, i don't mean it. i like things...just not certain things at certain times. i am not against all things. i just think things should be done in certain ways to preserve their purity. i have a code of conduct i follow, and i expect everyone else to follow it. not even. i just get dismayed when others don't.

i spend too much time analyzing things i can't do anything about. and i know this.

Friend: what're you up to?
me: updating d-land
me: still trying to figure out how i feel.

i was gonna go on...but that short exchange says a lot.

