

i am mine

riot act

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2004-01-28 7:17 a.m.

rave like a madman

yesterday, this guy at lunch was telling his buddies how he saw some kids playing DnD and how it was a "dumb" game and then proceeded to make fun of them for being geeks...this pleasantly segwayed (i know it's spelled wrong) into how he had 5 characters in Everquest and how he played a lot of other RPGs on his computer...including Final Fantasy XI, which he also complained about.

i was tempted to go over and punch him in the throat.

and what's with this whole, "i'm young so i need to make-out with everyone to 'find myself'" point of view? it's a bunch of bullshit. i keep hearing it on TV and elsewhere...stuff like, "i'm young, so i should be 'free'"...how is freedom just making-out-with/sexing-up random people. The freedom they should be talking about is the freedom to walk down the street without having someone fucking bomb you. i don't know...i guess i just don't get the appeal of swapping bodily fluids with someone you don't even know in the name of youthful fun.

sometimes the rage actually feels like burning.

