

i am mine

riot act

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2003-02-12 8:11 a.m.

compression testing of metals

i hate the sounds other people make.

my roomate breathes heavily. like he's sighing with each breath. it could be the most annoying thing i have ever witnessed.

i think i have found an annoying characteristic about everyone i know.

this is not good when you have to interact with them...because you will always have a scowl on your face.

i have to control my roomate. i had to set his settings on his computer so that the screen would turn itself off after 10 min, because he would just leave it on after he went to bed, so the blue light from his screensaver would keep me up. i had to turn off his sound for the same reason. i don't think he knows what i do.

in other news, the girlfriend tells me she doesn't want anything for valentine's day...i'm tempted not to get anything.

my candy apple red telecaster should be on its way to my greedy little hands.

