

i am mine

riot act

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2003-02-08 10:11 p.m.

taxi driver

i just finished watching taxi driver. i viewed it in my suitemates room, and after some ranting about how i choose bad movies, we all settled down and stared intently at the screen. after about 2 hours of viewing, the movie ended. everyone then proceded to complain that the movie had no purpose...no plot...no climax. and even though i may have muttered 'i don't understand...', i did. it is a great movie, one that shows the flaws of humanity. i enjoyed it, maybe it was because i identified with the unsocial, somewhat psychotic main character...maybe...plus i drove around all day looking for a guitar and good movie (which i found in said film). i was on a mission to get a candy apple red telecaster as my next guitar. i am skipping the sunburst les paul, for obvious reasons. the red tele will go nameless, because i can neither confirm nor deny, but it will have a picture taped to the back. i am looking forward to that...let's hope the dude at the guitar shop orders it and then remembers to call me. by the by, i hate having to be 'on' for people...stupid stupid...i think i'll just be mean tonight. that might work. or not. how can people make me so upset?

