

i am mine

riot act

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2002-12-15 11:32 p.m.

pride (in the name of love)

One man caught on a barbed wire fence
One man he resist
One man washed on an empty beach
One man betrayed with a kiss

i crafted a new letter...this time to someone who will read it...it is brief and to the point...cross everything you have and hope for luck...D-day, or as we have christened it, E-day, will take place tuesday...i have come up with an insane plan to try and entertain as best i can...i will rely heavily on my friends to complete the mission...after all...that's what they are for...

tonight we thought of things to do for fun in this know-nothing town...we mentioned going where we were not welcome...but that was quickly laughed down...although, it might have been very interesting indeed.

