

i am mine

riot act

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2002-12-14 12:18 a.m.

brood war

i wandered back home for awhile...saw a few friends already...hope to see more...planning on driving to kidnap her on wednesday...that should be an adventure...last night we watched it's a wonderful life...i remarked that it certainly is...i hate playing the game where you pretend to be better than you are and hide your faults...but it's seems to be the only way to win...and of course, like all rational people, i think winning is better than losing...but this is coming from a guy who regularly throws games just because it seems like the thing to do...i guess that just means i have a slightly different definition of what winning is...changing topics, it would be a lie of i said it doesn't make me cringe...just like that tiger thingy in the he-man cartoons...you know what i'm talkin about...scare-dy cat...that turns into battle-cat...or something...i don't really remember the actual name...but i have the action figure...anyway...i cringe like that every time...every time.

