

i am mine

riot act

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2002-12-03 4:28 p.m.

lucky charms

it all seems to be going well...but i have that growing sense of dread...next week is finals...i should study, and i will...just not as much as i should.

i slept until 1pm today...and i still feel lethargic...i don't know if something is wrong with me...but it sure feels like it.

i am too concerned with myself. i try and manipulate people into doing what i think is best for me, instead of actually doing what is best, which would be to do things for other people. i think i make things too complicated. everything is really quite simple when you take a step back and look at the big picture.

i found out that the dude who hit me didn't call his insurance company...and mine doesn't give a rat's ass...and i'm still a little boy, so my dad is going to handle it. yes, i realize that is terrible.

once again i see the monotony of this whole charade...i'll give it a rest now.

