

i am mine

riot act

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2002-12-01 2:33 p.m.


thanksgiving break was indeed a break...i took time off from thinking about anything...some stray thoughts did find their home in my head, but they didn't stay long...i mentioned something to my friends that we said would have been funny...in all reality it would have been quite sad and pathetic...i'm glad i saw that before i drove over there...

who are you and where are you in my life?
i was wondering how much of me is still alive

seeing old friends was good...always is...but i always feel i have to entertain...like i have to be 'on'...it's not that big of a bother, but sometimes i wish i could just stop for a moment and take a break...and sometimes i did indeed sneak in a break...i don't think anyone noticed...

i'm getting older but not growing up.

