

i am mine

riot act

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2002-11-26 10:30 p.m.

chloe dancer/crown of thorns

home again. but it feels less and less like its name.

"dreams like this must die."

it seems it is in my genetic makeup to be attracted to blue-eyed girls in band. i can't help but compare and contrast. they are very similar in some ways. like the ruins they left behind that were formerly men.

i wanna tell you that i love you
but it doesn't really matter

i try to look at my life through a third person view...i try...i normally do not succeed at all...but in the rare instances that i do, i can understand why everyone acts as they do...

my life is so easy i should be shot for complaining...and sometimes i really am sorry for going on my tirades and pouring the gasoline on the ropes that hold up the bridges of friendship...i can see that i am usually the wrong one...oh well...such is my human condition...

so don't burn your bridges woman
because some day...

