

i am mine

riot act

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2002-11-25 4:33 p.m.

events leading up to tomorrow

i'm supposedly going to be transported from my current coordinates to my parental units living structure by a red-haired friend who dwells in the south. on the adventure east, i expect that i shall encounter various familiar beings that will inact chemicals in my brain that make me feel pleasure.

at our current time, i still have a few mission objectives left to complete. the first obstacle is a vector mechanics exam tonight at 1900 hours. after my mental assault, i will venture towards another red-haired friend's living quarters, for i feel it is my responsibility to unnecessarily bother every human i encounter on this planet.

****break in transmission****

i thought a diary was about stuff that happened to you...but this fool is only typing things that he wants to happen in the future...

thoughts of statics and surgery...that is what is going on in the present tense. and it is indeed tense.

