

i am mine

riot act

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2002-10-03 6:52 p.m.

S.O.S. strum

i don't like to update anymore...so i won't.


the speakers are white and the song is black

tell the music to get off her back

my mind is blue and my courage is yellow

tell the music to not be so shallow

my love is green and my heart is red

hatred for a song i now wish dead

my soul is gray and my meaning clear

the music is forgotten within the year

+++AEther Storm+++++

theres a storm brewing behind my eyes

dark clouds are forming from your lies

i'm a thunderstorm about to break

i'll blow him away for your sake

the raindrops are falling to the ground

the storm is starting without a sound

the rain falls harder from the sky

he's getting desperate to remain dry

the wind picks up the window closes

the rain beats down while he overdoses


i am taking home someone i don't know tomorrow...i should charge them for gas money...but i probably won't...when push comes to shove, i'm a nice guy...i just play a mean one in real life...and i wonder if i'm supposed to find my life funny...i actually just sit back and laugh at it sometimes...society also provides entertainment...with its rules and customs...i don't like this anymore...i wonder if i'll continue...i know, i know...i see it too...

