

i am mine

riot act

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2002-09-28 1:52 p.m.

country yard

its funny how much has changed since we started this life...not the old, but the one i adopted after i decided enough was enough...our group has splintered and gone this way and that...you are here...he is there...

life is very entertaining, even when you just sit back and watch.

this is homecoming weekend here, so everywhere i go i see purdue propaganda and reasons to give the school money...and being homecoming weekend, one would think there would be a lot of parties and festivities...i guess all the engineers and technical peeps on the streets don't know how to party...but we can surely find the derivative of the party function with respect to the amount of beverages served...or something.

i spend a lot of time staring at my computer screen, waiting for people to provide me with stimulus...i'm pretty sure that's not what i'm supposed to be doin. but at least i have my music.

"i'm tired of feelin sick and useless

then speakin every other way

gluin my eyes together girl

might be the right escape"

