

i am mine

riot act

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2002-09-02 8:22 p.m.

external forces - translation, rotation

here's something i wrote in statics (physics when everything stands still for you people who were thinking statistics)...you can make it rhyme if you try...but i just left it in a mess for you...you're welcome...

i remember a time...when your head was on my shoulder...staring at the street light...it was then i should have told her...'whatever happened to us?'...and she would shyly reply...'why whatever do you mean?'...and my heart would start to die...'where does our friendship end?'...and here is where i would fall apart...'i need you as a friend'..instead of an arrow, a knife pierced my heart...'well then, this is the end'...and i would walk away...and then turn and say...i remember a time...when you were sitting next to me...staring at my eyes...it was then plain to see...'what are we doing here?'...and she would surely say...'i don't think i understand'...then, clear as an iron bell...'why are we even friends?'...and then she'd start to cry...'i don't want this to end'...and i would probably try..'well...i can't be friends'...and i would walk away...but then turn and say...i remember a time...

nothing short of brilliant...ha...yeah...right...i wonder what everyone else does to pass the time when no one else is looking...

