

i am mine

riot act

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2002-08-31 10:45 p.m.

tea for one

"There was a time that I stood tall, In the eyes of other men

But by my own choice I left you woman, And now I can't get back again"

driving around my hometown never seemed so strange as it did today. i was alone. no destination. but unconciously, i drove the same route i always do...by the people's houses whom i've grown fond of bothering. of course, none of them were home. but i still drove by. kind of like a ritual of sorts....or just pattern behavior...

i thought of driving by there. that thought was quickly laughed out of my head.

i started to watch a beautiful mind, but quickly killed it after finding out that the ending was missing from my copy...but from what i saw, it looks like the kind of movie a guy like me would like...

so i found myself watchin a show called 'trading spaces' with my mom...and actually enjoying myself...who wouldov thunk it.

why do i let people let me down? i try so hard to expect the worst...but sometimes i slip...

led zeppelin is damn good.

i was gonna end with something else, but i think the above statement says it all.

