

i am mine

riot act

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2002-08-11 12:06 a.m.

highway to hell

well...i did all the things a operative of evil should do today...first i went out and bought my dad a gift for his birthday...during the journey thru the mall, i caught a glimpse of someone better than me sitting with someone else better than me in a coffee shop...i made a mental note to which coffee shop it was...so i can go there if i ever want to be a good christian...

after this my merry band of theives went to bloomington to check in on a friend...all was well...except for a burnt out light...but that can be easily remedied...

on the ride home, i had in depth conversation with good...nay...great friends about our adventures over the years...and as we traversed up the highway, i thought it could only lead to greater things...

