

i am mine

riot act

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2002-08-08 8:34 p.m.

prey her

i had a long talk with god this afternoon...it seems i have not been doing what i was supposed to be...i then explained to her that it was only me being me and that i would get around to doing my chores later...she looked at me with a raised eyebrow and stated that i should be doing my work now and to quit being a slacker...i calmly responded with the utmost respect, "whatever, man."

i was then hit by a bolt of lightning.

it looks like i won't be talking to god in a long time...not until i get an apology...i mean, c'mon...she knew i was joking...that's the kind of attitude you get when you try and 'save' me...like i don't know what the fuck is going on in this world...like i'm stupid...

and i turned to god, and i said, "god...there are some people who just don't want to be saved."

god then got teary eyed...mentioned something about dying for my sins...i apologetically added, "yeah...thanks for that...but can't you see i'm still doin my best?"...god slowly nodded and walked to her car...and i walked to mine...side by side...for that last time...

