

i am mine

riot act

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2002-07-27 11:04 p.m.

the wretched

"it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to

it didn't turn out the way you wanted it, did it?

it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to

it didn't turn out the way you wanted it, did it?"

driving around kokomo...looking for people who won't run at the mere sight of me...this is what existance is...we try, but our plans turn to mush...and i just drop off my friends and go home...this is the path i have chosen...

it's better than the alternative.

i force myself not to...i'm surprised at my motivation to do nothing...no i'm not...it's all part of the job...i'll take what i can get...i can't get anything to go right anymore...it looked like i might before...but not anymore...i was far away then...blurred vision, blurred lines...didn't see the one i crossed...

i wonder if i will ever look back and laugh...no...probably just...just not look back...

i was wrong...i was wrong...sorry about that...

"the clouds will part and the sky cracks open

and god himself will reach his fucking arm


just to push you down

just to hold you down

stuck in this hole with the shit and the piss

and it's hard to believe it could come down to this

back at the beginning



