

i am mine

riot act

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2002-07-27 12:52 a.m.

no rain

an odd duck quacked by as tonight. a brit spy made fun of people while i was hoping at least two were having a nice time sitting by a girl and one was not.

i wrote an email to myself telling me what i should do...and so i do it...begrudgingly...the shades go down...the shades go...

we're back in the swing of things, but soon we'll blow to the four winds and soon forget...but i'll enjoy now, as now is here and soon is not...my glove compartment is now closed...and the picture i stole from a friend is hidden amongst the clutter of my room...i will shove it down deep...no one will find it again...especially not me...but i'm glad that i'm me and not someone else...but i still complain...

"and all i can say

is that my life is pretty plain

i like to watch the puddles gather rain"

