

i am mine

riot act

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2002-07-19 11:48 p.m.

the wedding singer

i'm going to a wedding tomorrow...i hate getting dressed up...and the wedding will probably put me in a foul mood...i'm not fit for happiness...not in the right mindset...probably never will be...as i write this i laugh...because you don't mean it...but i do...but i do.

i played god in a game to waste our precious time here...while all the while my rival played god upstairs to waste hers...now i may be a bitter, paranoid, slightly insane hermit...but i know a waste of time when i see one...hell...who better to know one than another.

i can't seem to write a hard rock song...it vexes me to no end...stupid pansy songs...plus we need to find a drummer...and singer, i suppose...

this is getting weak...like my will...

