

i am mine

riot act

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2002-06-19 10:40 p.m.

that's the way (page/plant)

" I don't know what to say about it,

When all you ears have turned away,

But now's the time to look and look again at what you see,

Is that the way it ought to stay?"

i don't know. maybe i'm just fooling myself again. yes. that must be it. thinking that i'm that powerful...it's quite laughable. ha. you know you still do. fool.

by the by, it's a good thing i have my friends. otherwise things probably would get messy.

i have this crazy idea of playing at (last-name-of-class-president)fest 2k2. ben put it there...or maybe it was me...either way it was my imagination playing tricks...but maybe the trick might work?...if we could get 'action' to play with us i think it would be listenable...

here's some ramblings from work...:

i wrote you a letter, but it wasn't sent, we can't help but love you, and that came & went, you think that you're perfect, so what if you are?, everyone's perfect, everyones a star, except for me, i'm nothing at all, not even an empire...(not finished).

