

i am mine

riot act

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2002-06-03 10:01 p.m.

fire alarm


fire alarm sounds

but i sit in place

fire alarm sounds

flame licks my face

i sit and smile

as i get consumed

and all the while

i think of you

she is the reason

that i sit here

it is the season

of love i fear

burn me up

before she does

burn me up

i don't want love

[edited for explicit content]

there she sits

and taunts me so

suck -- ----

you ------- --

[/edited for explicit content]


i had an entry yesterday about the normal stuff...you know...her hanging out with your best friend...no...we're not the least bit jealous...that just wouldn't be in our nature...but it got scrapped because your computer said it sucked and refused to transmit such rubbish...so now you have to think of something else to say...well...since you already on the topic...lets talk about how she doesn't really like you, just the character you pretended to be in 11th grade because you thought no one was watching...well...there is one thing you can be sure of...

no one is watching you now...

