

i am mine

riot act

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2002-05-31 11:58 p.m.

office space

what have i done...what have i done...broken my oath...told my plan...gave in once again...weak-minded fool...i never learn...always forget...should have went away for the summer...less trouble that way...but i stayed...the fool heart that i am...

i have a reason to live now...i have to save a coffee house from a junky guitar weilding maniac who thinks that strumming chords and improvising 'funny' lyrics is how you make music...he must be stopped...at all costs...even if it means me getting up there by myself...and there were even some guys outside playin radiohead songs...they should have kicked him off the stage...junky monkey...


strange strands stand sturdy

fickle fool fans fire

a warped image of the day bleeds down from the sky

i look down into my beating heart and question why

you infected mosquito, you slimy leech

you expect me to forgive you for your deeds

you diseased grub, you worn tire

you expect me not to call you a liar

we always have problems

you and i

we never solve them

foolish pride

my vision is broken by horizontal lines

