

i am mine

riot act

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2002-05-30 10:37 p.m.

angry chair

"Corporate prison, we stay

I'm a dull boy, work all day

So I'm strung out anyway"

an optomistic pessimist is what i don't want to be...but like all things of this world, it exists to spite me...my plan...yeah...what plan...i've already scrapped it...and i didn't even get a chance to implement it...it wouldn't have worked anyway...that's why i gave up on it...like i've done with a lot of things...just gave up...why...whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy....why...


"Loneliness is not a phase

Field of pain is where I graze

Serenity is far away"

things are strange from this angle...i was always down here...but never this low...it seems its easier at this level...

"Saw my reflection and cried

So little hope that I died

Feed me your lies, open wide

Weight of my heart, not the size"

