

i am mine

riot act

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2002-05-29 10:40 p.m.

el scorcho

"But you won't talk, won't look, won't think of me

I'm the epitome of Public Enemy

Why you wanna go and do me like that?

Come down on the street and dance with me"

it seems i have kept my oath tonight...but only 8 minutes saved me...probably the exact time it took me to go check if onecrazymojo was home...if i had stopped to see spidey-boy, this entry might be a little different...my guess would be more cursing and less...well...there would be more cursing...

i have purchased Desperado...i shall view it frequently from now 'till death...or i plan to...but my plans haven't been panning out this time...well...anytime...

"I wish I could get my head out of the sand 'cuz I think we'd make a good team

and you would keep my fingernails clean

but that's just a stupid dream that I won't realize

'cuz I can't even look in your eyes without shakin', and I ain't fakin'

I'll bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon."

