

i am mine

riot act

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2002-05-26 11:44 p.m.


it's been awhile since a depressing entry:

you need help. your constant state of highs and lows is not right. logically you can see that killing yourself will only create more of the problems you try and eliminate...there...i've fallen into using ellipses once more...i watched a thing on mental illness today...it may be just my paranoia (just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you)...but i think i might have a slight form of something...or maybe not so slight...

"On the edge a windowsill.

Ponders his maker ponders his will.

To the street below he just ain't nothing."

now you're scaring me. it's ok. nobody reads this. it's only him and us. it seems no one smirks anymore. you should. you do. you should go now. go then. i'm gone.

you just thought of something...he says some people will see this as a cry for help...you may be right...too bad you suck...no...no crying here...just complaining...like always...but i am serious about the smirking...you need to do that...what?...oh...it's that late already...i should...i mean...you should...you know how we do...

