

i am mine

riot act

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2002-05-26 12:13 a.m.


i learned something yesterday...and that something was this...if you are trying to hide from a lion, go to it's den...

{traditional spanish guitar plays}

i watched desperado for the first time tonight...it was the best movie i have ever seen...period.

besides that, my life has taken a turn to the uneventful foozle...sorry...that isn't really a word...but it popped into my head at the moment and i thought it well enough to be printed...and with that you can see what i mean...no one was at their respective houses today...and we tried them all...well...not all...but most...i guess that is what happens when you call in advance...the best policy still seems to be just to show up without warning...

oh well...maybe i can become a zebra...that should provide some entertainment...but sadly i think i hide all too well...

