

i am mine

riot act

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2002-05-23 4:58 p.m.

proud mary

yes...i still contemplate on whether or not i made the right decision...but i think it was a good move on my part...i proved myeself to my most painful critic...myself...

during my break from this space, some interesting things have happened...i went to SC...that was a good time...i also started workin for 'the man'...

"Working for The Man every night and day"

he pays me well, and i don't do much...just my kind o' job...i also almost stole some pugs...i just love those dogs...i think its from watchin milo and otis as a kid...


i don't know what they want but i know what i need and i know its not this i need to be free there is a metric to english conversion staring back at me along with a mustang avenue that's all i can see i hate happy sunny days because i get burnt black like charcoal blue as my soul withering lilies remind me of death seems the only hope that i have left why can't i be happy like the rest must be something missing from my chest


"Rolling, rolling, rolling on the river."

