

i am mine

riot act

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2002-04-18 7:59 p.m.


i really hate school...i can't stress this enough...just goes to prove my theory...people suck...i just can't get used to the fact that i am failing as a student...the only thing i was ever good at...and now that is gone...just makes a person want to jump off buildings...what little self confidence i had going in is gone...i leave my freshmen year behind a shell of a man i once thought i could be...

"I am just a worthless liar.

I am just an imbecile.

I will only complicate you.

Trust in me and fall as well.

I will find a center in you.

I will chew it up and leave,

I will work to elevate you

just enough to bring you down.

Trust me.

Mother Mary won't you whisper

something but what's past and done.

Trust me.

I want what I want. "

