

i am mine

riot act

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2002-04-17 4:27 p.m.

fell in love with a girl

"Fell in love with a girl

fell in love once and almost completely

she's in love with the world

but sometimes these feelings

can be so misleading

she turns and says 'are you alright?'

I said 'I must be fine cause my heart's still beating'

She says 'come and kiss me by the riverside,

bobby says it's fine he don't consider it cheating'"

everyone is looking for that perfect person that has the power to make all of their own faults disappear...it's a shame they don't exist...the trick is to try and find a person who's faults you can live with...but what do you know...you're just a lonely child whom the world deems grown..balance...it's all about balance...find the person who balances you out...that's the way to go...but what do you know...you're just a bitter old man..

in other news, i tried to help...but you know how that goes...

note to self: if you ever try to help yourself...don't (norm is funny)

well...i must be off to fail more exams...(yay)

